Sammi Wong

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Get To Know Me 2: Electric Boogaloo

Over two years after my first "get to know me" post, my tastes have...not changed considerably, but they have changed, enough so to justify an update. And, since my website has gotten a long-overdue makeover, I figured - why not? My media consumption has been considerably slower since I started working full-time (no complaints here, I enjoy my job) but I do still make time for the things I love. Especially Bad Buddy. I probably spend way, way too much time thinking about Bad Buddy, which ended seven months ago. I'm beyond help at this point, just leave me on the rooftop to cry.

Admittedly, my favorites remain pretty much the same - I'm a creature of habit, after all. Go with me to my favorite restaurants? Watch me order the same thing every time. Ask me what I've got playing on my headphones? I've been listening to the same two songs on repeat for about eight months now (thanks, Bad Buddy). Don't worry, though, things have shuffled around a bit - new entries, older entries I didn't appreciate before, all of which form a snapshot of what I'm into at the moment and what I might not be into another two years from now. Except Bad Buddy. Seriously, I'm going to be talking about that for at least another minute.