
I’m a content specialist by day and a lifelong fangirl at heart. This is a glimpse of some of my favorite pieces of media, from movies to books to video games. On any given day, you’ll find me listening to HAIM, playing Cloud Gardens, and desperately wishing Pushing Daisies was never canceled.

If we share similar tastes, I’d love to know! But if you can name everything here without using reverse image search, I’m a little worried we might be the exact same person, and I’d like my run-ins with the multiverse to remain strictly in fiction only.


Love isn't patient and kind and humble. Love is messy and horrible and selfish and bold. It's not finding your perfect half. It's the trying and the reaching and failing. Love is being willing to ruin your good painting for the chance at a great one.

Everything we do is a choice. Oatmeal or cereal. Highway or side streets. Kiss her or keep her. We make choices and we live with the consequences. If someone gets hurt along the way, we ask for forgiveness. It’s the best anyone can do.


If I could change your mind, I would hit the ground running
It took time to realize, and I never saw it coming
Forgive my lying eyes, gonna give you all or nothing
If I could change your mind, I could make you, make you mine


Hope is a flame, the light that never falters, the beacon of eternity. It is heavy and inconvenient, but there is no greater duty than this one. The fate of lost souls rest on your shoulders.


The only life that matters is in your mind. The only truth is the one that lives invisibly, that waits even after you close the book. Silence, too, is a kind of music. Silence will last.
