
Sometimes - more like all the time - I have a little bit to say about a lot of things that I’m vaguely interested in or a lot to say about a few things that I’m absolutely obsessed with, including fashion, pop culture, and random deep dives into things I never knew about that I come across while browsing the internet in fits of boredom (or procrastination).

Personal Sammi Wong Personal Sammi Wong

2023, Ranked

Instead of rehashing past memories and experiences, let’s take a look back at my 2023 through the lens of what media I enjoyed - and didn’t enjoy. Spoiler alert: I finally started reading again for the first time in years, because post-textbook burnout is real.

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Personal Sammi Wong Personal Sammi Wong

Get To Know Me 2: Electric Boogaloo

Over two years after my first "get to know me" post, my tastes have...not changed considerably, but they have changed, enough so to justify an update. And, since my website has gotten a long-overdue makeover, I figured - why not?

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Personal Sammi Wong Personal Sammi Wong

Why Women's History Month Matters

Women’s History Month is a time for celebrating women and their accomplishments. It was a California educational task force that started what would eventually become Women’s History Month in 1978. But its history goes a little further back than you might expect.

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Personal Sammi Wong Personal Sammi Wong

My Year-In-Review of 2020

There is little to be said about this past year that hasn't already been said. I haven't had any particularly notable moments, experiences, or memories to share. My hope for the new year is to feel healthier, happier, and hopefully, a little more productive.

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Personal Sammi Wong Personal Sammi Wong

Get To Know Me: An Introduction

One of my least favorite things about any social event is icebreakers. I like meeting new people and learning things about them, asking questions and exchanging anecdotes. It's the tedious activities that come with icebreakers that annoy me.

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